The 180-year old water dam located on the site of the cuha factory established during the reign of Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecit will be restored.
The Ottoman water dam is located in the Başiskele district of Kocaeli province.
According to the statement made by Başiskele Municipality, work is underway to restore 12 locations within the scope of the “History Road Project”, which aims to promote the history, cultural heritage and tourist attractions of the district.
Work has started for the restoration of the water dam in the Factory-i Hümayun (Çuha) factory area, which consists of a hunting lodge-harbor, hydroelectric power plant, chimney warehouse, cellar, bedesten, water tank and weaving workshops.

“We are starting the restoration of the weir, which is one of the most important pillars of our History Road Project, which was registered and protected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Istanbul No. 2 Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation Board in 1998,” the statement said.
Cover photo: AA