In Hatay, which was shaken by two severe earthquakes two years ago, a 1500-year-old structure has emerged beneath the rubble of a collapsed building.

During the removal of the rubble from a detached house that was destroyed by a magnitude 7 earthquake on February 6, 2023, a structure believed to date back to the Late Antiquity was discovered, and a rescue excavation has been initiated at the site.
Acting Director of the Hatay Archaeology Museum, Ali Çelikay, stated that the excavation has been ongoing for three weeks.

Çelikay said, “In our work, we have reached structures from the Late Antiquity, specifically from the 5th and 6th centuries AD. Among these, there is a vaulted structure. It is noteworthy that this structure has survived almost intact to the present day. We have not yet determined the purpose of the structure, but we believe it could be related to a chapel or a burial site.”