A ticket for a theater from the Roman period made of fired clay was found in western Türkiye

A ticket made of fired clay, believed to be from the Roman period, was found in the ancient city of Prusias Ad Hypium located in Düzce, western Türkiye.

Archaeologists uncovered a figurine depicting Aphrodite and a Thyrsus figure, both believed to be from the Roman period, in addition to the theater ticket.

Prusias Ad Hypium

The ancient city of Prusias Ad Hypium was established in the Bithynia region. Its original name was Hypios. Later, it was conquered and rebuilt by King Prusias I of Bithynia, who changed its name to Prusias Ad Hypium.

A ticket for a theater from the Roman period made of fired clay was found in western Türkiye

Excavations in the ancient city have been ongoing for five years under the direction of the Konuralp Museum Directorate, with the permission of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums and the support of Düzce Municipality.

So far, the excavations have revealed a Medusa head sculpture, a head of Alexander the Great, a statue of Apollo, a mosaic featuring lions, a portrait bust believed to belong to M. Iulius Proklos, who commissioned the stage building of the ancient theater, and a water storage reservoir thought to date back to the Byzantine period.

A ticket for a theater from the Roman period made of fired clay was found in western Türkiye

Düzce Mayor Faruk Özlü stated that approximately 80% of the theater area of the city, which has a history of 2,300 years, has been uncovered, saying, “We have found historical artifacts of great importance, both in our surrounding geography and throughout our country, in an unspoiled condition.”

Prusias Ad Hypium

Özlü stated, “There is a Roman city beneath this settlement area. This has been confirmed by experts in the field. We understand from the artifacts we have encountered in our excavations that there are findings that could even change the course of history.”

Cover Photo: Ömer Ürer/Anadolu Agency

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